

Een openbaring, zo blij dat ik het geprobeerd heb en ook topadvies

Begin 2020 kreeg ik een heel zware burnout. Het grootste probleem was overspannenheid, een voortdurende te hoge cortisol. Tijdens een spoedopname kreeg ik Xanax voorgeschreven. Uiteindelijk nam ik dit 2 jaar. Vorig jaar schakelde ik over naar Temesta (ook een verslavende benzodiazepine) in combinatie met Deanxit (angstremmer, antidepressivum, kalmeermiddel). Na een jaar dagtherapie probeerde ik in december vorig jaar Temesta aftebouwen. Ik voelde me als een junkie, het was verschrikkelijk, het lukte me niet. Mijn broer zei me waarom probeer je niet eens cannabisolie. Daar had ik al eens overgelezen maar was ik heel sceptisch tegenover, geen joints of drugs voor mij. Uit radeloosheid wilde ik het toch proberen. Heel onzeker en twijfelachtig besloot ik toch eerst te bellen. Ik kreeg Kursad aan de lijn. Ik kon mijn probleem opbiechten en had het echt het gevoel dat er iemand luisterde, zijn tijd nam, analyseerde en uiteindelijk advies gaf. Die service zonder het gevoel te hebben dat iemand mij vlug iets wilde verkopen, gaf voor mij de doorslag om het uit te proberen. En wat ben ik blij dat ik het geprobeerd heb. Een echte openbaring. Ik volgde het advies om langzaam temesta af te bouwen en ondertussen druppels Cbd en cbn te nemen. Na 2 weken kon ik stoppen met Temesta ! Als ik terugdenk aan mijn emotionele, huilende telefoons aan mijn moeder, realiseer ik me dat het echt ongelooflijk is dat ik hiermee een oplossing vond. Zo blij. Ondertussen neem ik ook geen deanxit meer. Mijn cortisol is naar beneden, ik slaap super goed. Ik hoop met deze review mensen te overtuigen om het zeker te proberen als je benzodiapines neemt (die zijn enorm verslavend en je moet altijd meer en meer pakken) Bel eerst zodat je deskundig advies krijgt welke druppels je best neemt. Heb geduld en het werkt echt. Geen chemische benzodiapines meer, maar natuurlijke kracht van een plant.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

hocus pocus

Zoals wellicht velen, begon ik eraan met de nodige dosis scepsis. Maar aangezien ik al sinds een jaar last heb van terugkerende ontstekingen aan mijn hand omwille van mijn job, ik door een zwakke maag liever geen ontstekingsremmers neem en een kennis van me vol lof sprak over de olie én over de klantenservice bij Cannabisolie, heb ik het er toch maar eens op gewaagd. En wát een resultaat, dit had ik absoluut niet durven hopen. Kursad had me verwittigd dat het bij sommigen snel gaat, maar bij anderen tot enkele weken kon duren voor je er effect van merkt. Wel, zelf was ik na enkele dagen al van de pijn in mijn hand vanaf. Kwam bij dat ook een onderliggende zeurende last in mijn rug waar ik al niet zoveel acht meer op sloeg (gewenning zeker? :)) plots verdwenen was, ik ineens mega vast slaap en me algemeen veel rustiger en zelfs wat vrolijker voel. Normaal ben ik een piekerbeest die eerst een uur ligt te woelen en nadenken voor ik ook maar in de buurt kom van in slaap vallen en rond 4u werd ik anders steevast nog eens wakker. Allemaal foetsie :) Mijn hoofd voelt minder druk aan nu, ook overdag. Voor mij is dit echt een wondermiddel, ik ben fan!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Gebruik sinds een poosje CBD olie overdag en voor de nacht CBN

Erg positief..zat niet helemaal lekker in mijn vel en had veel vage klachtenn. Ben er wat relaxter door en slaap ook al wat beter en mijn rugklachten zijn een stuk beter met al ervaring ik dit als erg positief. Ook werd ik door Bas en Kursad erg goed geholpen en als er vragen waren mocht ik ze altijd stellen. Ze gaven direct antwoord of ze belden je terug. Zeer vriendelijk

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Eerlijk advies, zeer hoogwaardige en diverse producten

Mijn ervaring is bijzonder te noemen. Ik ben zelf eigenaar van een aantal grote restaurant en hotel ketens. Vriendelijkheid en hoogwaardige service in combinatie met hoogwaardige top producten. Heel simpel allemaal, samengevat met een glimlach. Dit bedrijf - - slaagt hier met vlag en wimpel in!! Nu al 3 jaar vaste klant en elke keer weer verrast over de vriendelijkheid en attentheid van het team. Altijd op tijd geleverd! Mijn complimenten heren en dames, wat een top bedrijf. Blijf doorgaan en ik blijf doorverwijzen!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja


In oktober ben ik (samen met mijn gezin) begonnen met de CBD + CBDv capsules. Zelf nam ik deze i.c.m. de CBN olie op advies van Kursad. Heel fijn dat hij de tijd genomen heeft om onze persoonlijke situatie door te nemen en te kijken wat het beste zou kunnen passen qua producten. Ik had toen nog last van een hamstringblessure die niet weg ging. Ook had ik last van vermoeidheid en nog wat andere hormonale klachten. Toen ik was begonnen merkte ik na de 1e 2 dagen al meteen een verschil, ik was niet meer zo vermoeid en zonder dat ik het zelf door had, merkte ik op dat de slijmvorming die ik elke ochtend had, zo goed als verdwenen was, hiervoor had ik de capsules en olie in eerste instantie niet eens genomen. Dus dat was een mooi extraatje! De CBN olie was prima, maar omdat ik eigenlijk gewoon al prima door kon slapen, merkte ik qua nachtrust niet echt een verschil. Later nam ik deze capsules i.c.m. de CBC olie. Ik ben helemaal af van de hamstring blessure, mede ook door wat minder (intensieve) oefeningen te doen. Nu ga ik over op de CBG olie i.c.m. de capsules. Het is in het begin even kijken wat je het beste past en wat het beste resultaat geeft. Ik ben erg blij met de veranderingen, ook hormonaal gezien merk ik dat het beter gaat, wat rustiger qua emoties die soms alle kanten op schieten ;). Als je zelf je levensstijl aanpast i.c.m. met deze producten zul je daarvan echt de vruchten plukken!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality!

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality!

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality!

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality!

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality!

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Amazing Product with Great Quality

My mother has been diagnosed with cancer in 3rd state, during her chemotherapy she used the 30% CBD oil and she had no side effects (felt well, was able to eat and always had a positive attitude). My mother has been using it for years now and she feels amazing! Aside from my mother I have purchased it for other relatives who had problems other health issues (depression, diabetes) and they all saw a significant positive change in their health. Would definitely recommend it for anyone!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Company details

10 Rijstenweg Eindhoven 5652CG


[email protected]

About Cannabisolie

Vanuit onze missie als bedrijf is het van groot belang om mens en dier op een positieve manier in aanraking te laten komen met Cannabis. Wij geloven in deze belangrijke bijdrage aan de wereld, omdat wij willen bouwen aan een gezonder en hoger kwalitatief leven voor iedereen. Iedere klant, van consument tot zakelijke relatie wordt met de meest hoogstaande service ondersteund als het gaat om onze producten en de daarbij horende dienstverlening. Ons streven is altijd geweest om het beste van het beste te leveren aan onze klanten. Het is allemaal heel simpel; Wij gaan zelf voor niks minder en willen dit ook graag aan onze klanten geven. De selectie en zorgvuldigheid van onze kwaliteit steekt met kop en schouders boven alle andere aanbieders uit. Kijk maar eens naar onze lab rapporten. We kunnen daarom ook oprecht en met veel overtuiging zeggen dat onze klanten bij ons de beste CBD olie kunnen kopen binnen Nederland en Europa. We geloven in wat wij willen bijdragen aan onze klanten en waarderen hen ook enorm. We kunnen dit alleen mogelijk maken als mensen het vertrouwen hebben om ons als betrouwbare partij te omarmen en te kijken wat CBD olie of Cannabisolie mogelijk kan betekenen voor hun situatie.

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