Prezzi ottimi
Got a complete system installed by Frank. Ever since he is quickly responding to any after-sales requests, which are very few because Jablotron can be maintained by the user to a very large extent.
I ordered three times the last four years. For me pre and post sales is very good. Questions are answered competently within a day.
Process from start to finish was hassle free especially with the goods being sent to the UK.
They delivered quickly a part that is tricky to find. Excellent service A++++
For the second time I ordered some alarm components. Unfortunately, a mistake was made in the product delivered. However, the situation was promptly solved by Credex Alarm Systems after I notified them.
Good and efficient service
Fast and professional
Everything went well
good service , good product
impeccable !!!
Hi, this is Ben from Sweden , I don't usually review online purchases, but in this case I feel justified. I came into contact with this company 3 years ago for first time.I did some shopping alot of time since then. Everything went well from ordering to receiving in Karlstad, west of Sweden. What is admirable is how quickly Frank answers questions and follow-up after the purchase including postal route and tracing. I Highly recommend this serious company!
det är väldigt sällan som jag jag har recenserat köp på internet ! I det här fallet med Credex och säljaren Frank ,så finner jag det bifogat att göra det ! Är nämligen imponerrad! har handlat i fjol och nu har har jag handlat igen(jablotron larmsystem )För oss svenskar, så betyder tryggheten enormt mycket, ett känsligt ämne, spec när vi handlar på internet , utanför Sveriges eller Skandinaviens gränser !Jag har aldrig känt mig så trygg med en " internetsäljare" som Med Frank/Credex. Detta handlar om en hederlig Firma som styrs av en man full av entusiasm, kunnighet och hjälpvilja. Frank svarar på kvällar , helger oavsett klockan ! vet ej vad han har har för känner igen mönstret... jobbar själv som distriksläkare och kan identfiera mig med honom i viss mån ! För att summera: Credex håller den kvalität som är förväntat, goda priser ( i jämförelse med Polen, sverige exempelvis, där jag har handlat förut), håller lovade leveranstider,ger och bjuder på god hjälp på vägen när dett behövs exempelvis kring uppsåring ! Paketet blev lämnat till postNL Fredag kväll den 16/2-2024( OBS Helg ) , Har anlänt till Karlstad den 20/02 . På sin höjd tog transporten 3 dygn om man inkluderar Lördag!.Frank, denna trevliga mannen lämnar dig aldrig i sticket ! inköp hos Credex Rekommenderas väldigt varmt !
I bought here what was already impossible to buy in the Czech Republic, Fast delivery, good shipping price, delivery to Czech Republik 7days
Always slightly wary about ordering from another country, but company seemed professional, with a good reputation. Unit took a few days to despatch, but I wasn't expecting a "by return" service. Company were quick to respond to query about delivery. Well packed parcel only took 3 days to get from Holland to UK which is faster than some mail within the UK! Handbook is in Dutch, but full handbook in English is available on manufacturer's web site, so not an issue for me. Have not installed unit yet, but looks very well made. Overall very happy.
I placed order # 23000000332 ,January 20, but its fate is still unknown to me. Best regards, Vadim Tulipanov , Austria
Dankenswerterweise haben Sie jetzt den Auftrag erhalten. Unsere E-Mail mit dem Track & Trace-Code landet manchmal im Spam-Postfach.
Original review
I placed order # 23000000332 ,January 20, but its fate is still unknown to me. Best regards, Vadim Tulipanov , Austria
My only recommendation is to update online delivery options / costs for some international destinations.
everything is very well
I am very satisfied. Thank you for everything.
Great products and excellent service
Mijn draadloze sensoren gaven 1 voor 1 een low battery indicatie. Via de credex site snel opgezocht (super handig zo'n overzichtspagina) welke batterijen ik nodig had. In 1 bestelling besteld en had ze 2 dagen later in huis. Prima geregeld.
Great products and service.
After trying 2 systems that let me down I contacted Credex and got a very reliable system both with sensors and cameras that work fantastic. I have had it for 10 months already and use it everyday. There is no monthly subscription and Credex always picks up the phone to answer questions. My family feels much safer !!!!!
Top class!
Great customer support in helping decide on the correct battery replacement for my module. Good product and speedy delivery.
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