

Chaotic and unprofessional

I initially chose ‘’ to print my dissertation because they seemed friendly and quick with their responses, and because they offer a printing proof (i.e., a printed version of the book that’s supposed to look exactly like the final books, once the printing process is complete). However, the book cover of the 90 printed books turned out to be very different from the printing proof – which defeats the whole purpose of the printing proof. The color of the books was much darker (grey/greenish instead of pale white!!!). But, even worse, all 90 books contained stains and lines that were not there before. After discussing this with the manager of the company, he admitted that the company made a big mistake during the printing process of the books. He told me they will fix the problem and ship me a new batch of 90 books. Unfortunately, this nightmare was complete when the second batch also contained stripes and discolourations. On top of everything, the manager took no responsibility for the second mistake. And, because of a lack of time, nothing could be done to fix the issue (which means I was stuck with 180 faulty prints of my dissertation). So, this company is very chaotic, they communicate very poorly within their team. If something happens to go wrong with your order, you are definitely screwed. That is why I advise others to stay away from ‘’, and to search for a more reliable and professional printing company. You do not need the extra stress during such an important life-event.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Chaotic and unprofessional

I initially chose ‘’ to print my dissertation because they seemed friendly and quick with their responses, and because they offer a printing proof (i.e., a printed version of the book that’s supposed to look exactly like the final books, once the printing process is complete). However, the book cover of the 90 printed books turned out to be very different from the printing proof – which defeats the whole purpose of the printing proof. The color of the books was much darker (grey/greenish instead of pale white!!!). But, even worse, all 90 books contained stains and lines that were not there before. After discussing this with the manager of the company, he admitted that the company made a big mistake during the printing process of the books. He told me they will fix the problem and ship me a new batch of 90 books. Unfortunately, this nightmare was complete when the second batch also contained stripes and discolourations. On top of everything, the manager took no responsibility for their second mistake. And, because of a lack of time, nothing could be done to fix the issue (which means I was stuck with 180 faulty prints of my dissertation). So, this company is very chaotic, they communicate poorly within their team. If something happens to go wrong with your order, you are definitely screwed. That is why I advise others to stay away from ‘’, and to search for a more reliable and professional printing company. You do not need the extra stress during such an important life-event.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Chaotic and unprofessional

I initially chose ‘’ to print my dissertation because they seemed friendly and quick with their responses, and because they offer a printing proof (i.e., a printed version of the book that’s supposed to look exactly like the final books, once the printing process is complete). However, the book cover of the 90 printed books turned out to be very different from the printing proof – which defeats the whole purpose of the printing proof. The color of the books was much darker (grey/greenish instead of pale white!!!). But, even worse, all 90 books contained stains and lines that were not there before. After discussing this with the manager of the company, he admitted that the company made a big mistake during the printing process of the books. He told me they will fix the problem and ship me a new batch of 90 books. Unfortunately, this nightmare was complete when the second batch also contained stripes and discolourations. On top of everything, the manager took no responsibility for their second mistake. And, because of a lack of time, nothing could be done to fix the issue (which means I was stuck with 180 faulty prints of my dissertation). So, this company is very chaotic, they communicate poorly within their team. If something happens to go wrong with your order, you are definitely screwed. That is why I advise others to stay away from ‘’, and to search for a more reliable and professional printing company. You do not need the extra stress during such an important life-event.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Chaotic and unprofessional

I initially chose ‘’ to print my dissertation because they seemed friendly and quick with their responses, and because they offer a printing proof (i.e., a printed version of the book that’s supposed to look exactly like the final books, once the printing process is complete). However, the book cover of the 90 printed books turned out to be very different from the printing proof – which defeats the whole purpose of the printing proof. The color of the books was much darker (grey/greenish instead of pale white!!!). But, even worse, all 90 books contained stains and lines that were not there before. After discussing this with the manager of the company, he admitted that the company made a big mistake during the printing process of the books. He told me they will fix the problem and ship me a new batch of 90 books. Unfortunately, this nightmare was complete when the second batch also contained stripes and discolourations. On top of everything, the manager took no responsibility for their second mistake. And, because of a lack of time, nothing could be done to fix the issue (which means I was stuck with 180 faulty prints of my dissertation). So, this company is very chaotic, they communicate poorly within their team. If something happens to go wrong with your order, you are definitely screwed. That is why I advise others to stay away from ‘’, and to search for a more reliable and professional printing company. You do not need the extra stress during such an important life-event.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Chaotic and unprofessional

I initially chose ‘’ to print my dissertation because they seemed friendly and quick with their responses, and because they offer a printing proof (i.e., a printed version of the book that’s supposed to look exactly like the final books, once the printing process is complete). However, the book cover of the 90 printed books turned out to be very different from the printing proof – which defeats the whole purpose of the printing proof. The color of the books was much darker (grey/greenish instead of pale white!!!). But, even worse, all 90 books contained stains and lines that were not there before. After discussing this with the manager of the company, he admitted that the company made a big mistake during the printing process of the books. He told me they will fix the problem and ship me a new batch of 90 books. Unfortunately, this nightmare was complete when the second batch also contained stripes and discolourations. On top of everything, the manager took no responsibility for their second mistake. And, because of a lack of time, nothing could be done to fix the issue (which means I was stuck with 180 faulty prints of my dissertation). So, this company is very chaotic, they communicate poorly within their team. If something happens to go wrong with your order, you are definitely screwed. That is why I advise others to stay away from ‘’, and to search for a more reliable and professional printing company. You do not need the extra stress during such an important life-event.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Zeer slechte communicatie

Keer op keer laat proefschriftmaken steken vallen. We hadden een leverdatum afgesproken voor mijn proefdruk, toen ik zelf initiatief nam om te vragen waar deze bleef, bleek deze al 2 weken met een fout in het systeem op de plank te liggen. Doordat ik voor een langere tijd ging reizen, kon ik dus niet meer zelf mijn proefdruk zien. Proefschriftmaken wilde dit oplossen na aandringen van mij, door een koerier te laten komen (wel lieten ze even weten hoeveel dit wel niet kosten en dat dit hoge uitzondering is, terwijl zij fout zaten met een te late levering). Ze hadden aangegeven dat de stans die ik wilde door de spoed niet in de kaft zou zitten, opzich geen probleem. Toen de koerier op de stoep stond had ik een pak papier in mijn handen die niet eens was uitgesneden. Nauwelijks een proefdruk te noemen. De volgende proefdruk zouden ze dan naar een ander adres sturen (aangezien wij niet thuis waren door de reis). Ze hebben deze echter toch naar het verkeerde adres gestuurd. Toen ik liet weten dat ze opnieuw een fout hebben gemaakt, kreeg ik geen excuus, maar alleen een verklaring dat ze het zo druk hadden en moeilijk was alles bij te houden. De order heb ik geannuleerd door het uitblijven van actie aan de kant van proefschriftmaken. 3 maanden na de annulering van de order en 1 week voor mijn promotiedatum, kreeg ik van mijn account manager de vraag of mijn proefschrift beviel en of ik mijn order nog wilde oppakken. Niet alleen de communicatie naar de klant gaat mis, ook de interne communicatie laat de wensen over. Ook blijven passende oplossingen uit bij fouten en moet je zelf overal achteraan.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Levering veel te laat, moeizame communicatie

Op aanraden van collega's mijn proefschrift bij ProefschriftMaken laten drukken. Het begon goed, met snelle communicatie. De proefdruk was door een fout aan hun kant echter verkeerd gesneden, waardoor het resultaat lastig te beoordelen was. Het grootste probleem was de levering: op de afgesproken datum werd slechts 1 exemplaar van de 150 geleverd, zonder stellingen. ProefschriftMaken had zelf geen enkele controle gedaan, en ik moest zelf contact leggen om de fout te herstellen. Er zou een spoeddruk worden uitgevoerd, maar dit werd meermaals uitgesteld vanwege verschillende fouten tijdens het drukken en leveren. Uiteindelijk vond de levering pas bijna 2 weken na de initiele afgesproken datum plaats, en slechts 1 dag voordat het bij de promotiecommissie moest liggen. Een stuk of 30 boeken bleken ook een gekreukte kaft te hebben. Het meest frustrerende is dat ProefschriftMaken geen enkel initiatief heeft genomen om contact op te nemen bij de meerdere problemen en fouten tijdens de levering. Ik heb steeds zelf naar nieuwe informatie moeten vragen. Mijn contactpersoon ging op een gegeven moment ook op vakantie, zonder dit aan mij te vertellen dan wel een collega zijn mails over te laten nemen. Uiteindelijk slechts 10% korting gekregen, wat gezien de erg stressvolle ervaring niet veel is, en niet de extra kosten dekt (ik ben toch akkoord gegaan, om maar van dit bedrijf af te zijn). In English: I strongly discourage using this company - they are ok until an issue arises, and they make no effort to take the initiative to fix it.

  • Aanbevelen? Nee

Meedenkend, vriendelijk en top resultaat

ProefschriftMaken heeft me echt fantastisch geholpen. Het was heel fijn werken met hun, een heel fijn team wat super behulpzaam is en ik ben heel blij met het eindresultaat, het is een prachtig boekje geworden! Echte aanrader!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Vriendelijk, snel en prachtig eindresultaat

snel, ervaren en professioneel

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Reactie van het bedrijf

Beste M Goudsmit, de woorden zijn heel lovend, maar wij zijn geen Gildeprint. Ik begrijp dat het soms verwarrend kan zijn, maar wij zijn ProefschriftMaken. Wellicht handig om uw review hier te verwijderen en deze aan de juiste partij toe te kennen? Dat is wel zo eerlijk ;-). Groet, Ben Riezouw van ProefschriftMaken


Creativity and efficiency :)

It was a pleasure to work with all the ProefschriftMaken team. They commitment, professionalism and great vibe greatly enhanced the quality of my thesis! It was a great experience and I will always be grateful to them.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Very good

I am very glad having chosen ProefschriftMaken to print my thesis. Their specialization for printing theses makes it very simple and effective to prepare the corresponding files and to print the final booklets. They are very well organized and have greatly supported me in all printing matters, which finally resulted in a beautiful thesis booklet. Again, thank you very much for all the support!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Great and in time !

From day one to the delivery of the books, Manou and her team take care of the process in a perfect way!! I recommend! Maxime

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Professioneel, betrokken en helder in de communicatie

Het contact met ProefschriftMaken heb ik als erg plezierig ervaren. Ik kreeg altijd snel reactie als ik ergens vragen over had en ik ben erg te spreken over het resultaat. De vormgever die mijn proefschrift onder handen genomen heeft, heeft uitstekend werk verricht. Ik krijg bijzonder veel complimenten over de vormgeving. Ook het drukwerk is van hoge kwaliteit. Ik zou andere promovendi dan ook zeer aanbevelen om hun proefschrift te laten opmaken en drukken bij ProefschriftMaken!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

The team is very responsibility and takes great care to each detail in the process.

The team is super reliable. It provided perfect service, in terms of paying attention on each details, including design, quality of book, timely communication and time delivery. The quality of book printed was perfect, as well as cover design.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

I'm super satisfied with their work & glad that I selected ProefschriftMaken

I believe that without the wonderful and professional work from ProefschriftMaken, I couldn’t achieve great success! Especially, I would like to thank Vera van Beek for her perfect work on the design of my booklet cover, I’ve received many compliments about the cover design. And also, I love the paper texture and quality of my booklet so much!

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Kundige en professionele ondersteuning bij het ontwerpen van een proefschrift

Dinsdag 9 februari ben ik gepromoveerd aan het Erasmus MC te Rotterdam. ProefschriftMaken heeft mij tijdens het maken van mijn proefschrift zeer goed ondersteund gedurende het gehele proces. Wanneer er zaken onduidelijk waren, was ProefschriftMaken makkelijk te bereiken. Ik kreeg een persoonlijke begeleider, waarmee ik laagdrempelig contact via WhastApp kon opnemen. Daarnaast heeft ProefschriftMaken me in contact gebracht met een fantastische vormgever (Wenz iD) die mijn prachtige voorkant heeft uitgewerkt. Al met al zeer positief over het gehele traject, van harte aanbevolen!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja


Zeer tevreden over de druk van mijn proefschrift en de geleverde service. Snelle en heldere communicatie over de kosten en mogelijkheden. Veel complimenten gehad over het eindproduct.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Goede prijs kwaliteit verhouding

In het begin verliep de communicatie wat stroef doordat ik niet goed wist bij wie ik mijn proefschrift documenten moest aanleveren. Vervolgens was het een helder en fijn verloop.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Professional and effective service of Proefschriftmaken brings me the best printed PhD dissertation

Thanks to the pro-active assistance of Proefschriftmaken, I have had a remarkable and unforgettable PhD ceremony with a high quality printed dissertation. I also really appreciate your professional support. Day or night, holiday period or lock-down situation, you are always available to listen my request and find the best solution for every issues.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Smooth and painless process

ProefschriftMaken provides full support throughout your thesis printing process. Communication is very fluent and all team members I have been in contact with are very supportive (Ghalid, Mehmed and Madelon). Printing is neat and the booklets are finely finished. The final result is top quality! Thanks for everything

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Very cooperative, quick, and easy going with excellent result

I sincerely enjoyed the interaction with the team of From the very start to the end, they were very quick to respond when something was unclear or when I wanted to change something in the order or the file, or had a question, both by phone and email. They were also thinking along with me and did their best to solve the issues that came up during the process. Plus, they absolutely stuck to the timeline and the prices are competitive. I can wholeheartedly recommend this company!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Great service

I printed my dissertation booklet with Proefschriftmaken. The books are of high quality and their service is very good, efficient and on time.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

SuperFast and Reliable

I was very impressed by the superfast service in both pre- and post-production stages. The quality of the output is also very satisfactory.

  • Would you recommend us? Yes

Perfecte service, snel en altijd bereikbaar

Van het begin tot het einde begeleid in het hele proces van een proefschrift tot stand brengen. Na het lange schrijven en vele experimenten is het fijn als je de layout en cover design aan anderen kan overlaten. Maar niet zonder zelf controle te hebben over het hoe en wat. Zowel in de layout als in cover design had ik genoeg inspraak. Het snelle contact met zowel de designer Remco als Marian voor de layout en Manou en Madelon voor afhandeling van verdere zaken zorgde ervoor dat ik als promovendus gehoord werd. En dit heeft een mooi boekje opgeleverd! Bedankt!

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

Ben, Madelon en Vera gaan net zo lang door tot je écht tevreden bent!

Zeer geroutineerd en toch zeer persoonlijke service. Goede planning en adviezen rond design en layout.

  • Aanbevelen? Ja

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